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Exam Reminders

Exams are held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Session times are at 9am and 1pm.
Application must be submitted 10 working days before exam date.

ECCAA Headquarters

ECCAA Heaquarters is located in Antigua, with outstations serving the 8 remaining states of the OECS.

Accident Investigation

Officers conducting an accident investigation involving a Cessna 336

Hewanorra Emergency Drill

Officers overseeing an emergency drill at Hewanorra International Airport

CAL AMO Signing

Photo of Carib Aviation Ltd. representatives & ECCAA team after the signing of AMO certification.

Category One Ceremony

Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves officially accepts the Category One certificate from US Ambassador to Barbados & the OECS, Mary Kramer

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ECCAA Headquarts


ECCAA Headquarters Relocates

Attention all visitors and stakeholders,

Please be advised that the ECCAA Headquarters located on Factory Road and Nugent Avenue is presently closed. Kindly be informed that our Headquarters is in the process of relocating to the former premises of the Sun Printing and Publishing, located at No. 15 Pavilion Drive, Coolidge, St. John's, Antigua.


For enquiries please contact the following persons Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm

General Enquiries - Mrs Tamar Anthony 1-268-4643401

Accounts - Mr Craig Walter  1-268-7643476

Flight Safety - Mr Winston Yearwood 1-268-7265831

Communications Navigation and Surveillence - Mr Trevor Davis 1-268-7645771

Human resources - Ms Sharmaine Poyotte 1-268-4643320


Inperson Meetings and Exams by appointment ONLY.




DSAC & ECCAA Cooperation




On Wednesday 28th February 2024, members of the ECCAA Flight Safety Division teamed up with SAFA Inspectors from the DGAC to carry out a joint Ramp Inspection at the V. C. Bird International Airport (Ramp Inspections are inspections of operational aircraft on the ramp).

This exchange is one of the many collaborative activities planned between the two organizations.




Tribute to our Colleagues

ECCAA staff at Greg's Memorial
ECCAA staff at Greg's Memorial
The representative staff of ECCAA attended Greg's Memorial.

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